Reconcile Delinquent Accounts

without Jeopardizing
Patient Relationships


Pay Your Bill Online

using our fast, safe and secure
online bill pay portal


Our Goal is

You Receive

We offer state-of-the-art collection programs and services to help today’s top healthcare providers, as well as leading financial institutions and commercial businesses. We recover those monies that result in increased revenue and improved profitability. Since 1986 AAA’s collection methods and procedures have become the gold standard within the professional collections arena. What sets AAA apart from other collection agencies is our career orientated staff. In an industry often associated with high employee turnover, AAA maintains an average collector tenure of over 10 years. That’s 10 years exclusively with AAA. With an experienced staff, AAA has the ability to focus on quality collections and customer service. Our team has a true dedication toward providing top-quality collection programs at favorable pricing. We take great pride in helping our clients to increase their cash flow, while saving them time and money in the process.
After all, our clients will tell you from experience, "If you are not using AAA, you are losing money."

Contact Info

American Accounts & Advisors
P.O. Box 250 Cottage Grove, MN 55016
Phone: (651) 287-6100 FAX: (651) 287-6190

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